M. (positive thinking)
Graduate Student
Austin, TX
I've had issues with my mother that have affected my outlook for as far back as I can remember. I've tried self-help books and lots of therapy, going from traditional psychotherapy to alternative therapies. You name it, I've done it. The issues I was facing were keeping me from having good relationships, working, performing my best at school, and having a healthy lifestyle. I felt out of control because I had the intention, but I couldn't make myself do the things that I needed to do because the follow through was missing.
I heard about A New Day Hypnosis when I saw an advertisement at Magnolia Cafè. I had doubts that I could undergo hypnosis because of a previous experience where I couldn't be hypnotized in the past. Within a week of my first appointment, I noticed that my attitude about my mother had shifted. I was able to stay neutral with her and that was my first inkling that I should go back to see Laura again.
I feel more hopeful now and have a greater sense of control. In dealing with my mother, I find myself being much clearer about my boundaries in general. I'm getting things done that had been sitting there for a really long time. I've also noticed that my relationship with my boyfriend has improved.
I feel more confident. When I started doing this, I wasn't sure what people expected of me and now I don't have that level of anxiety when I meet new people. I'm also much more conscious of my own self-talk. I don't feel like I have to be everyone's new best friend and that's been a relief for me. Outside of all the improvements that I've noticed, the best benefit has been having the sessions to listen to. Listening to the CDs has been easy because it feels really good when I do it. It's something that I can do for the rest of my life and having that ability is comforting to me.
I would recommend A New Day Hypnosis to anyone who wants to overcome similar types of issues because the subconscious mind is very powerful, especially if you tend to be overly analytical like myself. I think doing this process brings me more into balance as I spend meaningful time in my subconscious mind. Although there are still times when I feel resistance, I'm confident that as I progress, I know that I'll be better than I ever have before.
When I came in for the first appointment and we talked, I thought Laura was crazy when she suggested that she could help me with my problems in five sessions because I've been dealing with this stuff for 47 years and nothing had ever been fixed in five sessions. I realize now that I was wrong because I've seen so much improvement in myself.